Статтю присвячено проблемі здобуття життєвих компетентностей дітьми з особливими освітніми потребами. Зазначено, що для системної реалізації засад інклюзивного навчання, національне законодавство було приведене у відповідність до міжнародних норм і стандартів, однак для організації інклюзивного освітнього середовища важливо створити відповідні умови у закладі освіти. Встановлено, що особлива роль у роботі з дітьми, котрі потребують додаткової освітньої підтримки, належить інноваційним технологіям.
The article is devoted to the problem of obtaining vital competencies in need of additional educational support. It is noted that inclusive education in Ukraine is an innovative educational process and, at the same time, one of the international obligations. Changes in domestic legislation gave a significant impetus to the development of inclusive education in our country. For systemic implementation, the principles of inclusive training the national legislation was brought into line with international norms and standards, however, and for the organization of an inclusive educational environment, it is important for the establishment of appropriate conditions in the institution of education. It has been confirmed that special role in working with children with special educational needs belongs to the innovative technologies. It is determined that technologies of inclusive education are structural elements of a holistic pedagogical system and are divided into technology of individualization of the educational process, technology of joint teaching in the inclusive class, technology of overcoming educational and behavioural difficulties, and technology of adaptation of the educational environment. The introduction of these technologies will provide development and self-development of the student's personality with special educational needs, will contribute to the disclosure of their potential opportunities, attracting all students to one or another type of work during the lesson, diversify the forms and methods of teaching the educational material, the successful implementation of the individual attendance of the student, which requires additional educational support. It is proved that the system of inclusive education is a complex process that requires a society to be patient and aware of importance and common interest. The result of the introduction of this system is the realization of the rights of children to get education and increase the social level of the country as a whole.