This article reveals the features of integrated study of historical and literary monographic topics in the process of the future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature professional training. On the basis of analytical-synthetic and comparative methods of analysis of scientific works the main aspects of interdisciplinary integration at the content and activity levels are clarified. It is proved that historical and literary monographic topics are fundamentally important in the course of the history of literature, but they are insufficiently elaborated from the theoretical and methodological point of view. The author of the article defined the basic principles of integration study of historical and literary monographic topics by students of the speciality of the Ukrainian language and literature at the level of content with the following disciplines “Philosophy”, “History and Culture of Ukraine”, “Psychology”. To implement interdisciplinary integration, a graphical systematizer in the form of
a synchronous universal table-matrix “Historical Age: social-political, scientific, literary and artistic phenomena” is proposed. The article represents the study of the monographic topic “Ivan Franko. Life and Creative Works” and its components: biography, general overview of creativity, study of individual works by integrating into the traditional educational process of the latest technologies: multimedia presentations with algorithmic support for their viewing.